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MediSalad: Mediterranean Salads

For the first time in the market, a range of ready to eat salads of pickles and vegetables. With a totally innovative packaging format we want to transmit the purest and healthiest values of Mediterranean gastronomy using original and unique recipes.

Icono vegano
Vegans and vegetarians
icon chemistry
Antioxidants +info
MediSalad: Mediterranean Salads

With roasted vegetables, black olives and spices

MediSalad: Mediterranean Salads

With roasted red pepper, capers and a spicy touch

MediSalad: Mediterranean Salads

With roasted tomato, green pepper and Kalamata olives

MediSalad: Mediterranean Salads

With roasted peppers

MediSalad: Mediterranean Salads

With quinoa, vegetables and dried tomatoes

MediSalad: Mediterranean Salads

With beans and vegetables